Generic Rythmol

Related article: BAILY S MAGAZINE. [March one's frugal lunch, and one may miss the glorious languor Buy Rythmol of the summer day, but with luck the angler should have the first fresh rush of the water, such as rarely runs in our short-lived mountain streams in summer, and many a nook and cranny of the little stream will now be accessible to the skilful cast, where in summer a wall of rich and bending green will protect " king trout " as he feeds at peace. To fish in March, moreover, is (for the trout fisher) to yield to the strong impulse of the " fishing fever " while it is in its first strength. Who does not know the symptoms ? Wherever he may be, in form-room, on office stool, in barrack ante-room, the angler with returning spring feels the fever steal into his system. Rods are unpacked from their winter quarters, flies passed in strict review, and in spare mo- ments maps are brought out, old angling expeditions lived over again, and endless new ones planned. Happy the man who, with the first weeks of March, can satisfy his longing by the brook side ! Such was my for- tune the other day, and may it soon fall to the lot of my brother anglers now tied to desks and duties ! " If the wind be in the south, it blows the bait in the fish's mouth " ; but it needed but a moment outside my front door to convince me that March was true to his " north-easter " that morn- ing. But " he that observeth the winds " Cheap Rythmol in March will never fish, and there was a gleam of sun which promised an hour or two of warmth before the day was done, so a start was made without misgiving. As for equipment, give me wading kit with the lightest of nine foot rods (that of Ogden's, yclept tnultum in parvo, could not be bettered for the purpose). An anxious moment is that when the first glimpse of the stream can be obtained, especially when recent rain has scarcely had time to run off and let the water clear. Welcome sight ! the brook is rushing and tumbling over the stones, swirling round captive logs and gnarled tree-trunks, but it bears that tinge of slatey blue which promises good sport. And now the point of start is reached, and rod and tackle eagerly pre- pared. There is no anxiety about the latter, no need for extra-fine invisible casts, a prey to every whirling wind. The water, still tinged with the flood of last week, will hide a stouter strand. As ' for flies, my trusty trio rarely fail to tempt our fish, whether the Purchase Rythmol month be March or late July. A March Brown, priceless among angler's lures, hangs as tail fly — to-day I choose one with twist of gold thread in the body ; a blue dun next, and above him Generic Rythmol a gay Coch-y-bondu (to-day one with tag of gold) ; these are my bill-of-fare to set before our hungry little friends. Now for the first real cast, my line already playing straight and true, wetted in the stream behind me, up-stream I start, the keen north - easter at my back my ally, at any rate, in helping out the line at every throw. A well- known pool is my first hunting- ground ; before me a small bridge leading to a water-mill; through the narrow arch the stream flows strong and eddying, spreading into a calmer pool. Here in summer in the glassy water one can watch the trout lie, and drop the fly with infinite care to tempt the lazy eye. To-day nothing to be seen but a tumbling dull-grey flood: one feels quite at a loss where to try first : but now for luck ! - 1899] MARCH TROUT. 175 A cast in the stiller water near the side and so across the pool till all is covered. Ah ! a sharp jerk, a too eager flick from the rod, a bright little silver body jumps into the air, only to fall, and dash off free ! Anyhow, my friends are on the feed : the faith- ful March Brown is the fly for me ! But cast after cast over the pool brings no result. I chance a throw right under the arch where the wall seems to give a little shelter from the current. Yes, a dash ! and a steadier jerk ! I have a nice one. Swinging down with the stream he comes, making a dash up again in the calmer water; the little rod bends, as though it held a monster : gently now ! point up, as he jumps high in the air in his plucky struggles ! Now exhausted he floats for a minute, my net is under him, and soon the first troutlet of the sea- son is in my basket ; a fine little fellow, maybe 5 ozs. ; very " small deer " for such preparations and paraphernalia, says the salmon fisherman ; but a dozen or two like him will make a dish worth painting. Now, above the bridge where the little stream is a torrent over ledges of rock — every sheltering stone with its eddying little pool is tried ; but the stream whirls the flies away so swiftly. Now I turn and draw my cast up gently under the further bank — a sudden pluck — and another little fish is being hauled in through • mid- stream, so firmly hooked that, though he tosses and tumbles, he is safe. The next half-hour seems to bring nothing but small fry. Fish after fish is returned to " live to fight another day," and but two in the basket ; but my clem- ency will bring its reward, I trust. It is now noon, and the sun bright and cheering, while a steep bank shelters from the cutting wind : flies are out on the water, and far up in still water I see the trout rising. My hopes are great of a stretch of still deep water now in sight, a great haunt of the fish in sum- mer, but so glassy then that careful fishing is needed. Shall I change my cast for one of lighter texture or risk it as it is ? Let us see what !• can do as I am. Along the still stretch runs a wall, with big stones at its foot just showing out of the stream, a noted haunt of trout. Here, too, in the crevice of the wall I have found the nest of the yellow wag- tail : yes, and there my friend is now, flicking his tail in welcome to me, and preening his yellow breast in the sun. He is an early visitor this year. A careful flogging of this much-prized open stretch of stream, with moderate luck, increases my basket to seven ;